This is intended to be a definitive guide to the Fellowship Adventures.
Intro The Fellowship Adventures are a multi player event that occur periodically in the Elvenar calendar cycle. It is played, in our cities, and with our fellowships. In each city, there is an event interface, to the right of the avatar on browser format, and beyond the Fellowship shield in mobile platform. Once the event window is accessed, each player lands on a map. Each map begins at the bottom, and each fellowship must work its way upwards, towards a flag at the top. There is a starting point, and then 3 paths. Each path will have 8 waypoints. Each waypoint requires a preset amount of 3 types of badges. Badges are made in our cities, by performing typical game activities, but each one has specific guidelines. These may vary from one Adventure to the next, sometimes by a little and sometimes by a lot. There are 3 maps in total, followed by a whirlpool, called the Pit.
Participation/Eligibility To participate in the Adventure, a player must be in a fellowship prior to the start of the Adventure, and ought to remain in that fellowship for the duration. In order for a player to gain a reward for the map, they must have placed a badge somewhere on the map, and the flag for the map must be claimed. This is true for each map in the Adventure. In order for a player to receive final rewards, they must have placed a badge on any map, and must still be in the Fellowship when the awards are handed out by the system, after the end of the event. Flags can only pulled by a member of the fellowship who has been promoted, to Ambassador, Mage, or the Archmage. If by some chance there are no active members who have been promoted in your fellowship, the best strategy is to contact Support for assistance.
General This event is played not just in an individual player's city, but also with their fellowship. It is a group activity. No one person has to make all the badges in their own city, but rather the group as a whole does make badges, and works out the best strategy overall, to finish at least one path on all three maps (if possible) in order to gain the rewards each one offers. It is possible to claim a prize for a map with about 8 active players (whether one path is filled, or more is accomplished), as the Adventure is designed to be accessible even to small fellowships. Larger groups may wish to do more work. Strategies and approaches, goals even, will vary depending on the size of the group, the resources each city can bring to the group activity, and the will of the players in it. That said, flags should only pulled, when all of the active members of a fellowship have placed a badge (and a reasonable effort has been made to reach those who are absent), and the group has agreed to move on to the next stage. Remember that is not possible to go back to a closed map, and badges can always be made in the interim while waiting on other members.
Tips on some general strategy The Fellowship Adventure is a six-and-a-half-day event (although we have seen some as long as seven days and change) and can be very intense. Some important points to remember: Map 1 is easy to fill. Please remember to check that all of your active fellows have donated a badge before completing the map. Map 2 is a bit more challenging, but the rewards are better. Again, try to leave room for others. Map 3 is a lot more challenging; the rewards are a bit better than map 2. Small fellowships may have to work together carefully, to plan a good strategy and make sure to finish one path. Some badges are challenging to make, or are more 'scarce' than others. This is an area that may change a bit from one Adventure to the next, or it may change a lot, when the waypoints are redrawn. We have seen seven different types of Adventures since they first appeared in the summer of 2017. Typically, scarce badges are Farmers, Blacksmiths, Bracelets, Necklaces, Statues, Druid Staff, Arcane Residues, and Coin badges.
Rewards Why participate? Well, generally, the rewards for maps 2 and 3, are Artifacts from a previous event, or a juicy Tome with a choice of buildings from a set. (HINT) It is a good idea to poll the fellowship and discover who needs these rewards, and to enquire about members who wish to opt out of rewards, or are unavailable at times during the event.
In some versions of the Guide, I have attempted to list the rewards. So far I have not managed to track all the permutations, but typically they break down along these lines: Rank 1-5 Special Buildings, Fellowship Ranking Points, Experience Points (for the Perk system) Rank 6-20 Black Lotus, Fellowship Ranking Points, Experience Points (for the Perk system) Rank 21-50 Fellowship Ranking Points, Experience Points (for the Perk system) Rank 51-100
Trouble spots One more point, which is much debated, in various forms, in fellowships, on social media, here in the Forum, or wherever Elvenar players may gather. Players can and will place a badge, in what appears to be a random location (by the fellowship's planners). Folks, when this occurs, PLEASE, be kind to one another. Accidents happen, just for starters. The person may be worried about placing a badge at all, but they see an open spot and grab it. They may not understand, or care, about the strategy. The other thing that can happen is that someone will pull the flag prematurely. FA can make a Fellowship, FA can break a Fellowship (because of its cooperative nature, but the intensity and duration are draining). Communication in advance by the leaders can be very helpful in providing guidance and avoiding confusion.
Badge Descriptions
Current Badges in drop-down order (Jan 2023) please note, here is the time I last updated. This area will always be kept up to date with the latest information.
Dwarven Brewery 25 x workshops, Beverages (2 to 5 min production) Carpenters Guild 10 x workshops, Advanced Tools (3-hour production) Farmers Delight 10 x workshops, Baskets of Groceries (9-hour production) Blacksmith Guild 5 x workshops, Toolboxes (24-hour production) Golden Bracelet An amount of regular goods made in any tier 1 factory (Chapter dependent) Diamond Necklace 4 x 24-hour productions in a tier 1 factory (levels 1 to 23) Elegant Statue 2 x 48-hour productions in a tier 1 factory (levels 1 to 23) Witch Hat Collect Any two spells of Power of Provision, Ensorcelled Endowment, or Magical Manufacturing Druid Staff Gain two Combine Catalysts Spells Wonder Society Apply 20KPs to any Ancient Wonder (yours or another player's) Elvarian Guard Train Troops (Amount is 4 x unit squad size) Sack of Coins Collect an amount of Coins (Chapter dependent) Arcane Residue Collect nine Vision Vapor Elemental Marbles Collect eight relics Enchanted Tiara Use 3 Enchantments (Power of Provision, Ensorcelled Endowment, or Magical Manufacturing) Ghost in a Bottle Accomplish 4 Encounters in either Spire and or Tournament
Special thanks go to: the staff at ElvenGems who've worked on various versions of the Adventures, and created the wonderful Spreadsheet that I update and share with all of you. Also would like to thank PrimroseSylvia, Karvest, and iDavis, I've located late night errors by cross checking all sources.
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